The initial log attached displayed the following errors as well as some errors related to hung threads/thread exceptions:
Nov 28 12:16:55:059 [5292] ntevl: openMeteDataSavetoHash:EvtOpenPublisherMetadata failed 2
Nov 28 12:16:55:215 [5292] ntevl: openMeteDataSavetoHash:EvtOpenPublisherMetadata failed 1813
Nov 28 12:16:55:809 [5292] ntevl: openMeteDataSavetoHash:EvtOpenPublisherMetadata failed 13
ntevl: openMeteDataSavetoHash:EvtOpenPublisherMetadata failed 'n'
This is a remote session handle that the EvtOpenSession function returns. It gets the metadata for the provider on the local computer or returns NULL.
Event ID 7036 normally means that a service entered the start, stopped, or complete state so there could be numerous events that ntevl is trying to quickly process in a short time frame.
You can always test ntevl performance and try to reproduce an issue by using Microsoft eventcreate and send a bunch of back-to-back events simply by using the command history and pressing enter over and over and you can see the events update in the ntevl probe Status Tab.
It's very useful and it's easy to run tests using the eventcreate tool:
No reoccurrences of missed events have occurred since making the changes noted above.