The Status Report 'Preview' does not work when there are Risks/Issues/Changes in the report. It spins showing 'Generating Report' then errors with "EXP-01010: Error generating PDF export"
The Log file will show "Timeout while waiting for loading page", "Export Exception:
It is important to note that when there is a Risk record on the Risk table widget this is what is causing the problem. It can be a Risk, Issue or Change Request.
Steps to Reproduce:
Engineering has found the root cause and plans to resolve it in 16.2.1 and in 16.2.0 Patch #1 (
Workaround: If it is important to include the RICs in the Status Report, the only workaround is to get screenshots of the Draft Status Report Canvas page. If the Status Report must be published, it can only be previewed and published without the RICs configured.