Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) servers fail to apply new definitions even though lux.log shows success but the result code shows 0x00011003
Issue may occur randomly and restarting the SPE service resolves the issue.
lu.log will show error as below:
07:01:18.394023 [Component Result - START]
07:01:18.394023 Component ID: {CD657291-9FEB-46FD-8F22-4A67F2F0D3BE}
07:01:18.394023 Display Name: Stargate Definition
07:01:18.394023 PVL: Stargate-SPEforNAS 1.0 Definitions for x64-windows_MicroDefsB.CurDefs_SymAllLanguages
07:01:18.394023 Result Code: 0x00010000
07:01:18.394023 Result Message: OK
07:01:18.394023 [Package Result - START]
07:01:18.394023 File: 1680056386jtun_sgwino230327019.7z
07:01:18.394023 Result Code: 0x00011003
07:01:18.394023 Result Message: UNKNOWN
07:01:18.394023 [Package Result - END]
07:01:18.394023 [Component Result - END]
07:01:18.394023 [Session Results - END]
07:01:18.394023 [Session Summary - START]
07:01:18.394023 Components: 1
07:01:18.394023 Packages: 1
07:01:18.394023 Success: 1
07:01:18.394023 Fail: 0
07:01:18.394023 [Session Summary - END]
SPE 9.1 on Windows OS
With SPE 9.0 onwards Virtual definitions concept was introduced and definition updates were delegated to controller process.
Intermittently controller was deleting the virtual definitions while other threads were in process of creating them.
The hotfix csapi.dll (attached to this KB) will now make sure that cleaning up of stale virtual home directory not happen while we are updating virtual definitions.
Platforms Supported: Windows – This is applicable to SPE version 9.1 only
Step to deploy hotfix: