CA Service Desk fails to resolve multiple indirect references
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CA Service Desk fails to resolve multiple indirect references


Article ID: 276773


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Please help to explain the meaning of the following error messages from our log file

<date> <time> <servername>:11 11460 ERROR factory.c 6619 Cannot resolve multiple indirect references in customer.location.zvariablename (factory in)
<date> <time> <servername>:11 11460 ERROR factory.c 6635 Unable to resolve dotted reference attached_slas.time_to_violation in factory cr_wf; time_to_violation is BREL
<date> <time> <servername>:11 11460 ERROR factory.c 6619 Cannot resolve multiple indirect references in cr.customer.zvariablename (factory cr_wf)


CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 and up


<date> <time> <servername>:11 11460 ERROR factory.c 6619 Cannot resolve multiple indirect references in customer.location.zvariablename (factory in)

For this one, we're looking for a variable named "customer.location.zvariablename"  The message tells us there are too many levels (dots) in this variable name.  The error message is a result of the sorting "customer.location.zvariablename" to list format in_list_web for factory. If an attempt is made to sort for attributes that contain more than one dot, the following error is seen in the Service Desk STDLOG: "Cannot resolve multiple indirect references."  CA SDM does not currently support multiple dotted attributes, and no plans exist to implement this feature. To avoid the error, you need to remove the sorting of attributes containing multiple dotted attributes (i.e. "customer.location.zvariablename"). Unfortunately, customizations are outside the scope of CA Support.

<date> <time> <servername>:11 11460 ERROR factory.c 6635 Unable to resolve dotted reference attached_slas.time_to_violation in factory cr_wf; time_to_violation is BREL

For this one, it is telling us it cannot resolve the variable name "attached_slas.time_to_violation."  Please recheck the variable name to ensure it is correct.