ConnectAll Tomcat service fails to start after Java update
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ConnectAll Tomcat service fails to start after Java update


Article ID: 276765


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After a Java update, the ConnectAll Tomcat service fails to start

Logs may show a status=127 as shown below:
Nov 29 13:25:23 x systemd[1]: tomcat.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a
Nov 29 13:25:23 x systemd[1]: tomcat.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Or logs may show an error locating Java as shown below:
Dec 05 13:16:52 x tomcat [1383687]: /opt/mule-enterprise-3.9.0/CATomcat/bin/ line 557: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0.###.b##-#.e##.x86_64/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory


2.11 under Linux


This can be caused because the Java version is updated and the JAVA_HOME environment variable has not been updated.


Find the new filename for the new version of Java.

In Redhat this can be found in /usr/lib/jvm
Look for the file that follows the pattern of jre-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0-###.b##-#.e##.x86_64 and make a note of this filename

Edit the /opt/tomcat/.bash_rc file
Update JAVA_HOME to point to the new filename that you noted above
Save the file and launch tomcat again with the following command:
# systemctl start tomcat