How to implement an SDK Custom AssertionGeneratorPlugin?
Policy Server 12.8SP7 on RedHat 7
SDK 12.8SP7 on RedHat 7
The documentation precises the steps and aspect of deployment of a Custom Assertion Generator Plugin (1)(2)(3).
The documentation provides also the Java SDK API details in the (4).
Here's the steps about how to set the sample in order for the Policy Server to apply it and not ignore it (on a Linux box):
# export PATH=${PATH}:/{path_to_jdk}/bin/
# cd /{path_to_sdk}/samples/assertiongeneratorplugin/
# ./
# jar -cf AssertionGenerator.jar com/netegrity/assertiongenerator/*.class
# cp -p AssertionGenerator.jar /opt/CA/siteminder/bin/thirdparty/
# ls -l /{home_policy_server}/bin/thirdparty/AssertionGenerator.jar
# chmod 775 /{home_policy_server}/bin/thirdparty/AssertionGenerator.jar
# source /{home_policy_server}/ca_ps_env.ksh
# /{home_policy_server}/stop-ps
# /{home_policy_server}/start-ps
In JVMOptions.txt, change the following:
From :
To :
Assertion Configuration:
Plug-in Class: com.netegrity.assertiongenerator.AssertionSample
Plug-in Parameters: <the parameter your custom code needs>
Remember that custom code falls under your responsibility (5).