Endevor Bridge for Git V2.14.0 - How to Download?
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Endevor Bridge for Git V2.14.0 - How to Download?


Article ID: 276711


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Tried to download  Endevor Bridge for Git V2.14.0 which is part of the Endevor Integrations for Enterprise DevOps suite.

However, the Endevor Integrations for Enterprise DevOps suites product is not available Under Products from the Broadcom Support Website.


All  releases



Only GA release is part of Product primary downloads Tab.

All new releases of Bridge for Git are part of Published Solution and therefore are located under Solutions Tab.

Follow these steps to download

Logon to the the Broadcom Support Portal: https://support.broadcom.com/

  1. Click My Downloads
  2. Search Endevor
  3. Solutions Tab
  4. Choose Endevor Integrations for Enterprise DevOps option
  5. Expand then Select the release of Endevor for which solutions are needed