How to download ConnectALL 3.2.0 installer?
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How to download ConnectALL 3.2.0 installer?


Article ID: 276648


Updated On:




How to download the ConnectALL 3.2.0 installer from Broadcom Support Portal.



The below steps can be followed to download the ConnectALL 3.2.0 installer.

  1. Visit the Broadcom support portal Broadcom Support Portal and log in.
  2. Click on the My Download tab on the left side pane and search for VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT and click on it.
  3. Scroll all the down to the bottom and click 'ValueOps ConnectALL (On Premise) Minimum Quantity 300 MULTI-PLATFORM'.
  4. Click on 3.2.0 version hyperlink and it will show you the available installers.
  5. Select the one you want to download and click HTTPS Download or Secured FTP Download icon to begin the download. 
  6. Now this installer will be available under Download Manager as well.