When a user logs in UIM Operator console, in the alarm viewer table we get 5 pre-defined columns. These do not include any timestamp column, for example.
Is it possible to edit the default set of columns so any new user gets a different set of columns on its first login?
UIM 20.4 CU6 and later
Missing Feature/Enhancement
Since UIM 20.4 OC CU2, the alarm viewer allows OC users to edit the visible columns and set the visibility and order and those changes are saved and persisted in the same session after logging out and logging in.
For this customization to be effective each independently authenticated user has the possibility of setting up a user-specific set of columns and the order and width in which they present in the GUI. Given that the column customization is persistent after it is set for the first time, it will only be needed to do the first time a particular user/admin/operator logs in based on its preference and business need.
To maintain user-based customization that is retained every user must set up their own columns at first log-in.
Please see docs: Manage Alarms (broadcom.com)
To Consider: From 20.4 CU6, the Severity column and the Device Name column positions are fixed in the first two positions within the table.