Starting agent from AWI throws Connection timed out: connection
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Starting agent from AWI throws Connection timed out: connection


Article ID: 276554


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Attempting to start an agent from the AWI Administration -> Agent & Groups section results in a popup stuck on “Starting agent…” for quite a while until an Error popup comes up showing:

Connection to Service Manager ({smgr IP}:{port}) failed: ‘java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Connection timed out: connection’.


Looking at the service manager log confirms that CAPKI is available by finding the line:
U00022071 CAPKI Library available.


Running the ucybsmcl command from the linux server where the agent is located shows the list correctly:

./ucybsmcl -c GET_PROCESS_LIST -h {smgr IP}:{port} -n AUTOMIC


Running the same from the windows server where the AE is installed shows an error:

*ERROR 2* Pipe returned error

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond


When running a telnet command: telnet {smgr IP} {port} from the linux agent server is able to connect


Running a telnet command from the windows server to the linux agent server on the service manager port returned something like:
Connecting To {servicemanager IP}...Could not open connection to the host, on port {port}: Connect failed


Components involved:

AWI -> Administration -> Agents & Groups
Service Manager



A firewall is blocking the IP and port between the AutomationEngine server and the agent server


Contact the networking and firewall team to see what needs to be done to allow bi-directional communication between the Automation Engine server and the service manager server on the service manager port