Unable to use explorer for Endevor vscode extension to edit element.
Got popup error: Unable to save the element XXXX into the file system.
The error log shows:
Unable to create required temp directory c:\Users\UserID\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\globalStorage\broadcommfd.explorer-for-endevor\.edit\http:\host:port\EndevorService\api\v2\internal\endevor-location\synchronized\SYSTEM\SUBSYS\TYPE for editing the elements because of error Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'c:\Users\UserID\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\globalStorage\broadcommfd.explorer-for-endevor\.edit\http:'.
Endevor V19
Explorer for Endevor: V1.6.0
The Endevor connection name for Endevor explorer is:
Endevor explorer is unable to create temp directory for element editing using mkdir command since the profile name contains "://"
Delete the existing Endevor connection by right click and choose "Delete an Endevor Connection".
Add new Endevor connection, use plain text (no space) as the connection name , for example use the Endevor web services Lpar name as the connection name, add endevor-location, then edit the element using explorer for Endevor in vscode.