The DLP Discover Cluster goes into a critical state and then back into a Healthy state at the same time daily. The time this occurs will be the time at which the service was last restarted. The transition generally takes less than a minute to go to critical and back to healthy again.
DLP Discover Cluster servers which are supported in DLP version 16.0 and later.
On the cluster node locate the following config file:
<InstallDrive>:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\DetectionServer\16.0.10000\Protect\config\
The following property controls how often the cluster will disconnect and reconnect to the Enforce server to renew the TLS connection:
# force enforce to reconnect once a day. This should be the default.
There is nothing that needs to be done as this is expected behavior and is working as designed. This will not affect the discover scanning process.