How the Upload / Download Gateway widget is calculated on the Analytics page of Isolation may be misleading.
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How the Upload / Download Gateway widget is calculated on the Analytics page of Isolation may be misleading.


Article ID: 276481


Updated On: 12-04-2023


Web Isolation Cloud


The Analytics page of the Web Isolation Management Server contains a dialogue box with Gateway Download and Gateway Upload values.  The values there may not accurately depict your expectations due to how these fields are calculated.  This article provides information on how these values are calculated.


Web Isolation implemented within the environment.


The gateway upload/download metric is derived from the right-side browser using the “Content-Length” header. “Gateway Upload” is pulled from the request header and “Gateway Download” from the response header. So if the file you’re downloading does not have a “Content-Length” header (you can check it your self in the right-side developer tools) then you won’t see the metric updated.


On the same Analytics page, on the bottom right is a File Extensions widget.  If you are looking for the actual upload/download values for Isolation, you can view this and choose Gateway Download File size or Gateway upload File size by clicking on the three dots on the top right of the File Extensions box.  

The file upload/download is derived from the actual bytes transferred (File upload) or received (File download) and doesn’t rely on header values etc. So it will always be an accurate representation of the total amount of data sent/received for file uploads/downloads.

The File Extensions widget on the bottom right of the same page provides the correct Gateway Download File Size and the Gateway Upload File Size are accurately represented in that widget.