Gateway in SSG Menu stuck in STARTING state
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Gateway in SSG Menu stuck in STARTING state


Article ID: 276480


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


Gateway Version: Any/All.

The observed issue was using the SSG Menu to validate if the Gateway service was running the menu showed the gateway stuck in starting. 

For example 

# netstat -an | grep 8443 

Showed listening.

In the original logs it could be seen that the SSG service was up, and the listen ports were listening for the gateway. 


In the SSPC_0_0.log Error Stack,

Caused by: DH ServerKeyExchange does not comply to algorithm constraints
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/$DHServerKeyExchangeConsumer.consume(

If you  log into policy manager.

Go into Tasks -> Transports -> Manage Listen Ports -> 2124 -> Properties

Check off Enable Default Ciphers list  AND TLS 1.3.

Having all default ciphers enabled at the listen port and all TLS Versions.