Win 11 not selectable In Run on OS listbox in SD Procedure
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Win 11 not selectable In Run on OS listbox in SD Procedure


Article ID: 276417


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


During creation of a SD Package, in SD Procedure properties, Windows 11 does not appear in the "Run on OS" listbox.

This could be useful if we want to create a SD Package which should run only on Windows 11 OS.


Client Automation 14.5 CU6


Open a case at Broadcom Technical Support and request the fix T533376
This fix should be installed on Domain Manager and Agents
It replaces the files OSConfig.xml and sxpeng32.exe
This fix needs also the execution of this SQL Query in mdb database :
INSERT INTO ca_proc_os (proc_os_uuid, proc_os_id, proc_os_name, msg_code_base, swd_extension)
VALUES (newid(),    0x050913, 'Win 11 x64', 228200, '.w32');