Reporter have the option to back up a database.
The database backup will be stored locally and can be exported to another location or server.
A third-party client like FileZilla or an FTP client can be used to export the database.
To backup the database on the CLI, you could run the commands below:
#dbbackup list create
#dbbackup create <db index number, eg:1>
Enter y to confirm the backup creation.
Using the FileZilla client as an example, you could use either FTP, FTPS, or SCP to access the Reporter.
Please take note of the directory - "/db_backups" and need to copy all the files under this directory. The size could be quite big depending on the size of the database.
Each database backup is saved in a subdirectory named with a Reporter database ID and timestamp. For example "1a2a88201b7511ea9beaf7c9dea273f1_1684295581". Do not change the name of the database backup. If you change the name, it will not recognize the backup.