We are getting Xargs errors in the app monitor container.
Err while executing command '["sh" "-c" "systick=$(getconf CLK_TCK); for c in /proc/*/cmdline; do d=$(dirname $c); name=$(grep Name: $d/status 2>/dev/null) || continue; pid=$(basename $d); uid=$(grep Uid: $d/status 2>/dev/null) || continue; uid=$(echo ${uid#Uid:} | xargs); uid=${uid%% *}; cmdline=$(cat $c|xargs -0 echo 2>/dev/null) || continue; starttime=$(($(awk '{print $22}' $d/stat 2>/dev/null || echo 0) / systick)); uptime=$(awk '{print int($1)}' /proc/uptime); elapsed=$(($uptime-$starttime)); echo $pid $uid $elapsed $cmdline; done"]' for container... err:
sh: xargs: command not found
sh: xargs: command not found
sh: xargs: command not found
sh: xargs: command not found
How to prevent the messages?
This problem is related to defect # DE583828
UMA is trying to get the details of processes in the container and as part of that xargs warnings are seen. When xargs doesn't work UMA has a fallback mechanism to get that information and hence the xargs is marked as a warning message and not error.
If the java auto attach is happening as expected, xargs error can be ignored.
-To be fixed in next APM UMA release.