Not able to access the login page after multiple unplanned reboots on Security Analytics
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Not able to access the login page after multiple unplanned reboots on Security Analytics


Article ID: 276340


Updated On:


Security Analytics


There are many database tables being written to during normal operation.  If a system is powered off multiple times in quick succession, one of the tables may become corrupted.  This might prevent access to the login page or create errors in /var/log/messages indicating that data cannot be inserted into tables.


Unscheduled power cycles causing corruption in redis.


To refresh the redis caching service, login as root and run each of the following lines individually:

systemctl stop monit
systemctl stop redis-ui.service
mv /var/lib/redis-ui/dump-ui.rdb /home/admin/
systemctl start redis-ui.service
systemctl start monit
To clean up corrupted tables, you can run this command, but should be run cautiously.
Login as root and run:
/sbin/runuser -l postgres -c "psql -X -t -d dsweb -c \"SELECT 'SET zero_damaged_pages = on; VACUUM (FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) ' || table_name || '; REINDEX TABLE ' || table_name || ';' AS q FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_catalog = 'dsweb' ORDER BY table_name;\"" > /tmp/vacuum_tables.sql; /sbin/runuser -l postgres -c "psql -X -t -d dsweb < /tmp/vacuum_tables.sql"; rm -f /tmp/vacuum_tables.sql
Call support if you are not comfortable with the postgres cleanup command.