We want to restrict access to Admin Console for certain users only. We need to assign a dedicated Identity Store (ID Store) for Admin Console.
How can we assign an ID Store for Admin Console?
VIP AuthHub 2.1.5
In VIP AuthHub 2.1.5, we cannot assign ID Store to Admin Console application. Admin Console application always use the default ID Store that is configured in Tenant settings, which the LDAP's configuration ID is set as idStoreToBeUsed property's value.
Please be mindful to change idStoreToBeUsed value for the sake of setting a dedicated ID Store for Admin Console. As this is a Tenant level setting, any Applications that use the default ID Store will be affected.
The good approach is to specify ID Store for each Application utilizing idStoreToUse property in each Application settings firstly and then we may change idStoreToBeUsed value. This idStoreToUse Application's property overrides the Tenant level settings.
Please refer to idStoreToBeUsed property explanation in Tenant and Global Settings table documentation and How to create ID Store with sample data in VIP AuthHub? article.
In the upcoming release 2.2, AuthHub has been enhanced to have a new Tenant setting, i.e. adminConsoleIdStoreToBeUsed property which can be used to assign specific ID Store for Admin Console.