Cost Plan Lookup based mandatory fields show locked
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Cost Plan Lookup based mandatory fields show locked


Article ID: 276298


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Lookup based mandatory field on a Cost Plan, shows locked for editing when mouse cursor is hovered over it , or, is clicked upon. The field can only be edited if the field is double clicked upon.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. On MUX access a project which has financials enabled and click on the Financial module
  2. Create a cost plan with any two grouping attributes, for example Charge Code, Cost Type
  3. Within the cost plan, manually add an entry and click on the Charge Code field to select a value

Expected Results:
The charge code field should be auto-populated showing the list of values for the user to select on
Actual Results:
Instead of populating the pick list, a locked cursor icon is displayed. The pick-list is available only if the field is double-clicked on


Version: 16.1.3




DE78490 is fixed in version 16.2.1.