SaaS apps that support an incremental save feature may not inspect or trigger gatelet policies
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SaaS apps that support an incremental save feature may not inspect or trigger gatelet policies


Article ID: 276297


Updated On: 07-18-2024


CASB Gateway Advanced


CloudSOC Gatelets are unable to trigger policy violations for incrementally saved Content. CloudSOC may offer supporting activity detail about the event and in some application circumstances a policy violation could occur.

o365 online web-apps like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel support an incremental auto save feature that is traditionally different than a file upload. This feature allows a multi user edit experience that saves the incremental change almost immediately. The feature cannot be turned off. Desktop apps offer a similar experience with an incremental save to a cloud service such as OneDrive.

There maybe other SaaS apps that have a similar feature.




Currently CASB gatelets do not support the ability to inspect incrementally saved data (data is saved as it is typed). Broadcom is investigating how gatelets can better support this as Data in Motion.  

O365 desktop apps Word, PowerPoint and Excel are currently not supported by Gatelets. Check the CASB full gatelet techdoc for desktop vs web compatibility.

CloudSOC Securlets protects data accessed through a desktop app.

Please contact support if you would like to be added to the feature requests.

Feature request ISFR-2968 exists to help support the web applications.

Feature request ISFR-2962 exists to help support Desktop applications.