In Portal, administration, usage information view, the values for the spectrum telemetry are not populating under usage information.
The values for PM are working as expected.
DX NetOps 22.2.x, 23.3.x
DE578881 - portal only waits 30 seconds for a reply from spectrum for the telemetry data.
If you enable ‘Restful Webservices debug’ in spectrum webpage, you will see the telemetry calls in the localhost_access_log-date in tomcat/logs:
- <USER> [19/Nov/2023:05:48:22 -0500] GET /spectrum/restful/telemetry/usageTelemetry HTTP/1.1 200 782 533601
533601 is ms to respond
You will also see the call fail in PCService.log on portal:
INFO | Inventory Usage Data Service Scheduler-1 | 2023-11-20 04:39:29,093 |
| Updating UsageTelemetry inventory metrics from all data sources at 11-20-2023 04:39:29
ERROR | Inventory Usage Data Service Scheduler-1 | 2023-11-20 04:39:59,171 |
| Unable to get inventorydata from https://<oneclick-host>:8443/spectrum/restful/telemetry/usageTelemetry, restResponse StatusCode: 400
Response: null
Broadcom is endeavoring to shorten the telemetry collection time from spectrum and to make the timeout configurable.
There is no eta at this time. (nov 2023)