Renaming Slack Securlet Bot
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Renaming Slack Securlet Bot


Article ID: 276261


Updated On:


CASB Securlet SAAS


Slack Securlet installs a Bot in Slack during the activation and it uses the Bot to notify the end user. The default name of the bot is "Symantec CloudSoc".  In some deployments, the default name is not clear enough for the end users and in some cases it creates unnecessary internal help tickets.

To avoid this , the default Bot name can be modified according to the customer's need.

This article goes into the steps.


Active Slack Securlet


The Bot can be renamed without any impact on Slack Securlet functionalities.


To rename the Bot:

  1. Login to Slack with the right level of permissions 
  2. Navigate to the "App Directory"
  3. Locate the list of "Installed Apps"
  4. Locate "Symantec Cloudsoc" and select it
  5. Under the Slack Application details , go the "Configuration" tab
  6. Scroll down to the "Bot User" section 
  7. Click on "Edit" 
  8. Modify the Name as needed
  9. "Save Changes"
  10. Changes should take effect immediately, and the end users should start to see the Bot with the new name.