How to request enhancements for Code4z
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How to request enhancements for Code4z


Article ID: 276250


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Where to create a new enhancement request for Zowe Explorer, since there is no available category for new ideas on Broadcom Communities ?


All supported Releases 


Such request cannot be opened using the community ideas but on the Zowe Explorer GitHub repository.

Here is the process to open an enhancement request;

Go to GitHub page for - vscode-extension-for-zowe
Click on "New Issue" Button.
Click on "Get Started" Button of part Feature request (Suggest an idea for the Zowe Explorer)  
Enter Title and description in page "Issue: Feature request"
Then click "Submit New Issue" button.

If a case has been opened to Broadcom support, 
Please update the case with the GitHub issue number, the title and the link. 
The above completed the Broadcom support case should be closed.