Adding the status option in the resource type
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Adding the status option in the resource type


Article ID: 276162


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IT Management Suite


Is it possible to add CMDB options about status to other resource types?

For example:

For a "monitor" resource, you have the CMDB option for status:


And for this other resource type (Digital Certificate) you don't have this status option:


ITMS 8.x


Right-click actions are defined for only supported "resource types".

The example above in the description section shows that right-click action is applicable to perform only for "Asset" resource type(s).

And these CMDB actions can't be performed for other resource types like "Digital certificate" because "CMDB" actions are defined to determine only "Asset" related resource type(s).

We can see that "Digital Certificates" resource type group is another resource type and doesn't belong to "Asset" resource types(s).
Otherwise, a simple example is when user is trying to create his own custom right-click action, the user must set what exact resource type(s) will be involved for this custom action, so the user needs to choose a targeted resource type for such action.