New ENCRYPTION METHOD field in TSSCFILE 3000/3001 records
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New ENCRYPTION METHOD field in TSSCFILE 3000/3001 records


Article ID: 276149


Updated On:


Top Secret


After applying maintenance to Top Secret the TSSCFILE records 3000 and 3001 show new data related to encryption.


For example:

3000          acid                      dd mm yyint        AES 128 
3001          acid                      dd mm yyintAES 128 


This article documents which PTF has added the new field to display the encryption method.



LU11480 introduced the new ENCRYPTION METHOD field in TSSCFILE records 3000 and 3001 .

Additional Information

The latest documentation about the TSSCFILE records is available at the following link:


Formatted Record Types - TSSCFILE and TSSCFBK


The records 3000 and 3001 are documented as follows:


ID    3000    "PASSWORD ="
33    40       8            PASSWORD
41    48       8            EXPIRES DATE
49    51       3            INTERVAL
52    59       8            FACILITY IF ACID HAS MULTIPW
60    67       8            ENCRYPTION METHOD

ID:   3001    "PHRASE     ="
33    40       8            PHRASE
41    48       8            EXPIRES DATE
49    51       3            INTERVAL
52    59       8            ENCRYPTION METHOD

The Encryption Method appears as a field for the records 3000 and 3001