If You have a current admin password, please log in to scanner cli, enter the "password" command and you should get prompted for a new password.
If not, in order to reset a lost admin password it is necessary to perform a factory reset of the Messaging Gateway (SMG) system
Performing a factory reset from the Control Center web interface
- Log into the SMG Control Center as an administrator
- Go to the Administration > Version > Factory Reset page
- Select the host you want to reset
- Clicking Reset.
After the factory reset
After the reboot the SMG system will only be accessible from the system console until the bootstrap is completed
- Log in with the system default credentials
user: admin
password: symantec
- Enter the system network information and new role into the bootstrap script
- When the system reboots it will have the new role
- If the new role is "Scanner" the system may now be added to the Control Center via the Administration > Configuration > Add Scanner wizard