Reset scanner admin password
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Reset scanner admin password


Article ID: 276136


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Messaging Gateway


How to reset scanner admin password?


If You have a current admin password, please log in to scanner command line interface, enter the "password" command and you should get prompted for a new password.

If not, in order to reset a lost admin password it is necessary to perform a factory reset of the Messaging Gateway (SMG) system


Performing a factory reset from the Control Center web interface

  1. Log into the SMG Control Center as an administrator
  2. Go to the Administration > Version > Factory Reset page
  3. Select the host you want to reset
  4. Clicking Reset.

After the factory reset

After the reboot the SMG system will only be accessible from the system console until the bootstrap is completed

  1. Log in with the system default credentials
    user: admin
    password: symantec
  2. Enter the system network information and new role into the bootstrap script
  3. When the system reboots it will have the new role
  4. If the new role is "Scanner" the system may now be added to the Control Center via the Administration > Configuration > Add Scanner wizard

NOTE: To recover admin password for the Control Center, please refer to Recover lost admin password for Messaging Gateway