Running XPSImport command, this one fails and report the error:
# XPSImport pstore.xml -c
Initializing XPS, please wait...
Log Time Phase/Section #Objects %age Elapsed
-------- ------------------------ --------------- ----------- -----------------
14:03:05 Initializing
14:03:05 Reading 00:00:00
14:03:05 Reading 00:00:00 00:00:00
14:03:05 Analyzing 0/4 00:00:00
(ERROR) : [sm-xadobj-00061] CA.SM::AgentConfig@21-000806f8-51a1-52-8446-e554sv5s555s: SetProp "UseSecureCookies=yes". Wrong Key-Value format. Expected <key>=<flags>=<value>
(ERROR) : [sm-xpsxps-02300] Could not set the string value "UseSecureCookies=yes" for the attribute named "CA.SM::AgentConfig.Attributes". (Line:12)
(ERROR) : [sm-xpsxps-02260] Could not set attributes of the object with XID "CA.SM::AgentConfig@21-000806f8-51a1-52-8446-e554sv5s555s". (Line:12)
(ERROR) : [sm-xpsxps-02952] Previous Errors prevent XPSImport from continuing.
(FATAL) : [sm-xpsxps-01770] An error was encountered during import of policy data.
(FATAL) : [sm-xpsxps-05810] Import failed.
When modifying data from the ACO parameters, keep the same format.
For instance, when modifying the ACO parameter UseSecureCookies, modify it like:
The following format is not expected as the flag part has been removed:
instead of
XPSImport pstore.xml -c