GMU import failure -- Could not locate entity
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GMU import failure -- Could not locate entity


Article ID: 276059


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


GMU migrateIn with error,

"Could not locate entity: Fail on new specified and could not locate existing target. Source Entity: EntityHeader. Name=null, id=xxx, description=null, type = FOLDER"


The dependant entity is not in the bundle file.


It depends on what entity is missing, in this case,

"Could not locate entity: Fail on new specified and could not locate existing target. Source Entity: EntityHeader. Name=null, id=<folder id>, description=null, type = FOLDER"

indicates that a folder item is missing.

The bundle file has following lines,

<l7:PolicyDetail folderId="<folder id>" guid="<policy guid>" id="<policy id>" version="8">

The workaround it to replcae the <folder id> to a known folder id.


Folder id list can be found by a /restman call,

https://<gateway host>:<port>/restman/1.0/folders