No visible domain options for Offline Domain Join
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No visible domain options for Offline Domain Join


Article ID: 276037


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


Under the "Offline Domain Join" option for an "Apply System Configuration" task, the "Select a domain to join" drop-down is blank. No domain is available.



ITMS 8.7.1


This is expected. The reason why there is no a domain to choose from is that the "offline domain join" information has not been imported yet.


This "Offline domain join" feature is new with our ITMS 8.7.1 release. See release notes.

About Offline domain join feature.
With 8.7.1 you can now join offline computers to a domain, so that users with computers provisioned by Cloud Enabled Management can connect to a domain.
Briefly, you use the smatool.exe utility to create provisioning data, then you import the provisioning data. You then use this Offline Domain Join option within the "Apply System Configuration" task in a deployment job. This option configures the computer to connect to the domain after the next boot.
For more information, see the procedure in the Join Offline Computers to a Domain Using the Offline Domain Join page topic: