Team Availability is editable in MUX, Resource, Team Workspace
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Team Availability is editable in MUX, Resource, Team Workspace


Article ID: 276001


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Clarity is allowing the Team 'Availability Rate' field to be edited in the Properties module and in the Details fly-out. This should not be allowed because it is designed to be computed through the management of the Staff members. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create a Team in the 'Team' type of Investment (ie. Mobile Team - this will also create a Team 'resource' instance)
  2. Go to Administration, Blueprints, any custom Resource Blueprint 
  3. Drag and Drop the 'Availability Rate' field and publish the Blueprint 
  4. Navigate to the Resource Workspace, go to the 'Teams' tab page
  5. Associate Blueprint to the 'Mobile Team'  
  6. Click into the 'Mobile Team' Resource instance to view the Properties module tab 
  7. Click into the 'Availability Rate' 

Expected Results: Team 'Availability Rate' field should not allow editing. 

Actual Results: Team 'Availability Rate' field allows the user to edit the value. 

Workaround: None. Avoid updating this field directly.  


Release 16.1.3 




Resolved in Release 16.2.0 and Release 16.1.3 Patch #1 (