Issue with navigation to Financials Tab of a Team Investment from Hierarchies context
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Issue with navigation to Financials Tab of a Team Investment from Hierarchies context


Article ID: 275992


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Navigation to the Financials Module to a Team Investment from the context of a Hierarchy is not working as expected. 

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Team Investment by associating the blueprint with all modules like staff, financials  
  2. Select the department for the instance created above 
  3. Create a hierarchy and import the team investment created in step1 
  4. Now drill down to team investment instance and navigate to financials tab 

Expected Results: The user should land on the Financials Module page. 

Actual Results: The user does not land on that module, it jumps to the first module configured on the Team blueprint. 



Release 16.1.3 




Workaround: Place the 'Financials' Module as the first module in the blueprint configuration. 

Resolved in Release 16.2.0