Vulnerable Cookie - missing, inconsistent or contradictory properties (without attribute SameSite)
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Vulnerable Cookie - missing, inconsistent or contradictory properties (without attribute SameSite)


Article ID: 275990


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


Cookies with missing, inconsistent or contradictory properties (verified)

At least one of the following cookie properties renders the cookie invalid or incompatible with a different property of the cookie itself or the environment in which the cookie is used.

Although this is not a vulnerability in itself, it will likely lead to unexpected application behavior, which in turn may cause secondary security issues.

List of cookies with missing, inconsistent or contradictory properties:
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=m4F1xjU6VeditedtWhN-diqU09fko91mWBfATfp3l.I
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=d9HdmIKWeditedfJuvLa7IUbVxI5-YDIos_bgTzg6

- Cookie without SameSite attribute.
When cookies lack the SameSite attribute, web browsers can apply


Vapp 14.5


The default value for SameSite is 'Lax' when a Cookie is not specified with SameSite attribute. In such case, cookie is restricted to the application or same-site contexts by default. 

- Cookies that are intended for third-party or cross-site contexts must specify SameSite=None and Secure.

- IGA supports SAML, OpenID and SiteMinder integrations. Deployments on Standalone and Virtual Appliance.

- Keeping the integration flows of SAML or OpenID Connect or SiteMinder and the IGA point products (IM, IG and IP) communication when they are deployed on different hosts,

the 'SameSite' attribute for cookies is not implemented as one approach doesn't suit all the integration and deployment scenarios.