Device Self Certification Tool in the UIM Operator Console (OC) displays Page Not Found
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Device Self Certification Tool in the UIM Operator Console (OC) displays Page Not Found


Article ID: 275952


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We are interested in enabling device self-certification on the UIM Operator Console. I have deployed snmpcollector v4.13 to our Dev OC hub, which has the same access and functionality as our PROD OC hub. When I go to settings and click on Device Self Certificaiton, I receive the following error:

Page Not Found

The requested page cannot be found.


  • UIM 20.4 CU9


  • self-cert portlet from th old UMP is deprecated, so the ump_selfcert package which contains the latest webapp needs to be downloaded and deployed to the OC Robot.


With UIM 20.4, you will need the ump_selfcert webapp v20.3. Download it from, or direct from this url:

Add it to your local archive on the Primary hub and then deploy it to the Operator Console robot.

After wasp restarts in a few minutes, you can go to OC->Settings and access the Device Self Certification webapp and access the page.

For example:


If that doesn't work and the error remains, open the wasp in Raw configure mode and check to make sure that the selfcert webapp has the load_on_startup parameter set to true.