How to move a Datacom MUF to a new LPAR
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How to move a Datacom MUF to a new LPAR


Article ID: 275950


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


Is there any documentation which we can use to move Datacom MUFs from the PROD LPAR to the DEVL LPAR?


To use the MUF on "new" LPARs where there has been no MUF before, you only need to do a  few things (assuming your system configurations for things like job classes, security, etc. are appropriate - these are outside of our purview).

  1. Since the MUF must run APF-authorized, you will need to add the Datacom.CAAXLOAD and the MUF-specific Datacom.CUSLIB files to the APFLIST on the target LPARs.
  2. On each LPAR where the MUF or any job that uses the MUF will run, you need to install the shared PC modules. This is a one-time action for each version, and to do this, you will run INSTJCL member AXRIM01.
  3. Running AXRIM01 is a temporary means of activating the PC modules, and they will not be loaded following an IPL, unless you have updated your CAS9 command file (CARIMPRM) with the 3-line entry from the AXRIM01 job.
  4. Once you have done this, you should be able to shut down the applications (or Suspend them) and then shut down the MUF on the source LPAR by using the /F mufjobname,EOJ command, and then start the MUF on the target LPAR, followed by starting (or Resuming) the applications.

This assumes that applications that use the MUF will also be moving to the new target LPARs. However, if you have an application on the source LPAR (with the MUF) now, and afterward it will be on a different LPAR, then you need to configure your MUFs to support XCF processing.

To configure your MUF for XCF processing, please see Knowledge Base article 38170, titled "Configuring Datacom MUF for XCF use".

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.