The command uniimp and uniexp throw an error in case the argument -ssl is used (when UVMS and the node are in SSL mode)
uniexp -mshost <uvms_hostname> -msport <uvms_ssl_port> -ssl -login <usersname> -pwd <password> -company <COMPANY_NAME> -node <NODE_NAME> -area X -upr "<UPROC_NAME>" -file "/path_to_file/output_file_name.xml"
UniViewer Management Server environment loaded.
Sep 20, 2023 10:51:20 AM com.orsyp.central.SSLUniSocketFactory ???
SEVERE: mgr/cacerts.tst (No such file or directory) mgr/cacerts.tst (No such file or directory)
Version: 6.x and 7.x
Component: Dollar Universe
Sub-Component: UVMS, devopskit and du_upgrade_toolkit
Faulty parameter -ssl
Use Univiewer Console for exporting and importing objects to nodes where SSL has been enabled.
The parameter -ssl will work in the future devopskit and UVMS commands "uniexp" and "uniimp" as soon as the development of the PMDU-3289 is done.
Currently, this is planned for release 7.01.01 and superior that is expected to be released around October 2024.