Error SDM228522 - Package not staged onto the Alternate Scalability Server
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Error SDM228522 - Package not staged onto the Alternate Scalability Server


Article ID: 275923


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation - Software Delivery CA Client Automation


"Alternate Scalability Server" feature is used but some SD Job container are in error :

Job execution error, Package not staged onto the Alternate Scalability Server. [SDM228522]


And in TRC_USD_SDAGENT there are these errors :

SDAgent   ||sdjeasmlibraryif.cpp|000671|WARNING| GetJobZipInfo failed with error code 21, retrying <1>
SDAgent   ||sdjeasmlibraryif.cpp|000671|WARNING| GetJobZipInfo failed with error code 21, retrying <2>
SDAgent   ||sdjeasmlibraryif.cpp|000671|WARNING| GetJobZipInfo failed with error code 21, retrying <3>
SDAgent   ||sdjeasmlibraryif.cpp|001033|ERROR  | Package download failed: A job is missing.
SDAgent   ||sdjecontainerif.cpp |001096|ERROR  | Job couldn't find a library
SDAgent   ||sdjecontainerif.cpp |001101|NOTIFY | Disconnecting from alternate SD Server
SDAgent   ||sdjecontainerif.cpp |001168|WARNING| Job error due to package not found on alternate SS


Client Automation 14.5 CU1


"Alternate Scalability Server" feature has some prerequisites :

1- Following settings must be set in configuration applied on Domain Manager :

DSM/Software Delivery/Manager/Alternate SD Server: Enable Alternate SD Server support = True
DSM/Software Delivery/Manager/Alternate SD Server: List of Alternate SD Servers = AltScala1,AltScala2,AltScala3


2- The packages must be staged in the SD Library of the scalabiliy server.

Additional Information

Alternate SD Server Support is a new feature introduced in 14.5 CU1.

See following documentation here : Alternate SD Server Support