WE have an script that allow users to escalate to sesu, in all Operative Systems works fine, in Solaris 11.4 gives a permission error
PIM 12.8sp1
Solaris 11.4
WE see that the problem is the duplicate of any line inside the script
For instance
echo `date` "Sesu to UID 0"
echo `date` "security"
echo HOLA|awk '{print $1}'
echo ADIOS|awk '{print $1}'
We also get a permssion denied in the second time the 'date' or 'awk' is executed
In trace log, we see a deny (D) in the 'date' line
The script had this line
# Escalation to UID 0
echo `date` "Sesu to UID 0"
echo `date` "security"
WE suggested to change the shell
vi psu
Change it to #!/usr/bin/bash
With the shell change problem is solved
# Escalation to UID 0
echo `date` "Sesu to UID 0"
echo `date` "security"