CA Api Gateway 11.0 fails to apply Monthly Platform patch patch operation in ERROR
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CA Api Gateway 11.0 fails to apply Monthly Platform patch patch operation in ERROR


Article ID: 275882


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


Applying the latest monthly platform patch fails just stating the Patch Operation was in Error.

There were errors during the patch operation. See patch logs in /opt/SecureSpan/PatchManagement/var/logs for details.


Review of /opt/SecureSpan/PatchManagement/var/logs/pms_0_0.log.

Shows an error like,

Nov 07, 2023 11:35:30 AM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: sudo: unable to resolve host MYHOSTNAMEHERE: Temporary failure in name resolution

This is requiring that the host shortname is resolvable. If DNS is not an option,

Simply add the hostname and resolvable IP to the o/s /etc/hosts file.

This will allow the patch operation to complete.