"Illegal overwrite of Encyclopedia association" checking out Gen model
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"Illegal overwrite of Encyclopedia association" checking out Gen model


Article ID: 275871


Updated On:


Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen


Receiving the below error while checking out a Gen model from the Host Encyclopedia (HE) 

GEN internal Fatal error: Illegal overwrite of Encyclopedia association


Component: Gen Host Encyclopedia

Release: 8.6


The error indicates corruption in the model


 If a recent backup without the corruption is available, restore it and then run a model validate report on Host Encyclopedia

If no backup is available:
1) Run Eval report to identify bad objects in the model specifically
2) Run a model validate report on Host Encyclopedia
3) Run a trial migrate of the pstep
4) If the above trial migrate is successful, then run real migration
5) Run Eval report on the destination model to confirm error does not exist.

Additional Information

Host Encyclopedia Utilities - TIEEVAL