How to Determine version of Directory Server hosting Siteminder Store
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How to Determine version of Directory Server hosting Siteminder Store


Article ID: 275864


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Siteminder r12.8.x supports Symantec Directory 14.0 & 4.1.x for the following data stores:

  • Policy Store
  • Session Store
  • User Store
  • Basic Password Services
  • AdminUI External Administrator Store

At times it may be necessary to verify the version of Symantec Directory hosting one of these stores.



Policy Server: r12.8.x
Policy Server OS: Any

[Symantec Directory Server]

DxServer: 14.x
Directory Server OS: Any


You may want to make sure that a feature is compatible with the version that you're running.  You may want to make sure that the version you are running is not End of Support or needs to be updated.


There are a few ways you can verify the version of Symantec Directory that a store is hosted on.

OPTION 1:  DxServer

This option needs to be run locally or through a remote terminal or RDP session.


1) Logon to the server where Symantec Directory is installed

2) open 'cmd.exe' with elevated privileges (run as administrator)

3) run the following command:

dxserver version


C:\>dxserver version
dxserver 14.1.03 (build 16992) Windows_NT 64-Bit



1) Logon to the server where Symantec Directory is installed

2) Run the following command:

dxserver version


# dxserver version
dxserver 14.1.01 (build 16107) Linux 64-Bit


OPTION #2:  LdapSearch

This option can be run remotely, such as from the Siteminder Policy Server.

1) Execute the following LDAP Search:

ldapsearch -h <hostname> -p <portnumber> -s base -b "" objectclass="*" dxServerVersion


Additional Information

LDAP Search

dxserver version