Post patch 10.1 CR03 we have an issue with Kerberos authentication due to deprecated encryption type RC4.
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Post patch 10.1 CR03 we have an issue with Kerberos authentication due to deprecated encryption type RC4.


Article ID: 275793


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


After installing CR03 in our gateway cluster, we have an issue with Kerberos authentication due to deprecated encryption type RC4.

We have added the system property "com.l7tech.server.krb5.allowWeakCrypto = true"  and rebooted both the node of a cluster

But despite the setting the same error continues.

" Could not process Kerberos token (Negotiate); error is "KrbException: Encryption type RC4 with HMAC is not supported/enabled" "


After the upgrade and setting the new config check the krb5.conf file in opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/node/default/var directory.

Check if there is entry in the file "allow_weak_crypto = true " !

If not  you can you add it manual "ignore the do not edit for a moment" to the file .

# Generated file, DO NOT EDIT #

default_realm = L7TECH.SUP
allow_weak_crypto = true[realms]

Or use the gateway policymanager to update the Kerberos config by creating a new config. 

Then restart the gateway service to clear the cache.

The setting system property "com.l7tech.server.krb5.allowWeakCrypto = true"  tells the gateway to add the line "allow_weak_crypto = true " when the Kerberos config is created , this may not occur automatically when CR3 is applied.