The customer is trying to run a Task on many systems and some of those machines will fail. When those jobs fail, the only status that they get is "Replicated".
System is Unknown, or Agent Status is Not Tracked
We ran the following query to find machines with asset status other than "active".
FROM vRM_Computer AS rmc
LEFT OUTER JOIN ResourceAssociation AS resAssoc
ON rmc.Guid = resAssoc.ParentResourceGuid
AND resAssoc.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '3028166F-C0D6-41D8-9CB7-F64852E0FD01'
WHERE (rmc.Deleted = 0)
AND (resAssoc.ChildResourceGuid <> '0A0203A5-D2B6-49f1-A53B-5EC31A89437C') -- 'GUID for Active status
The machine that we were testing with was in the results. We also ran this query:
select * from vComputerResource where Guid = 'GUIDgoesHere'
And the test machine was not there. This means that the Task Server doesn't see it as an active machine that can be assigned tasks.
Similar situation w/ Deployment Solution: KB 224713