Unable to connect to GW 11 appliance after adding new Network Interface
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Unable to connect to GW 11 appliance after adding new Network Interface


Article ID: 275728


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


After adding a new NIC and configuring the new interface using the ssg menu , the gateway connection hangs when applying the new config.

The only option to access the gateway is through the Vcenter remote console.

When using the command  "ip route show"  there are two default routes created one for the first nic and the second nic , the one for the new second nic is highest ranked one .

How to prevent the gateway creates two default routes , removing the gateway in the ssgmenu is not possible as the field is mandatory.


Release : 11.0


The workaround is to remove the default  gateway for the new interface using .

 nmcli con modify <interface-name> ipv4.gateway ""

This will clear the default gateway for the specified  interface 

another option is to use the  "nmtui"  graphic config  tool , this can be used to update a existing NIC config or add a new one instead of using the ssgmenu. 

In this tool there is also a option to mark this interface as "never used for default"  this can also be set to resolve the creating of a default route .


Additional Information

This will be resolved in gateway 11.1