Quarantine email notification frequency
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Quarantine email notification frequency


Article ID: 275699


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


What is the timing and frequency of a spam notification?


Release: 10.8.X 10.9.X


The delivery timing and frequency of quarantine notifications for an end user depend on three factors:

1. The time the message was quarantined

2. Notification frequency settings in Spam > Quarantine Settings

3. Notification start time in Spam > Quarantine Settings


As an example, consider the following settings:

1. Message quarantined at 17:00

2. Notification frequency set to every 8 hours

3. Notification start time set to 23:59


Under these conditions, the first notification will be sent at 23:59. Subsequent notifications will be sent every 8 hours if the end user has not released or deleted the message from quarantine.