JCLCheck - Install ISPF Support:
CLIST JCKUSR has variable &PRNT set as follows:
What are these options, and which should be used under what context?
Release : 12.0
Component: JCLCheck Workload Automation
- The PRNT variable is used for the JCLCheck ISPF Online Panels interface, specifically for the Foreground Invocation, and the RESOLVE option.
- The PRNT variable is evaluated only if SYSPRINT and/or SYSTERM is set to Y or P.
- SET &PRNT = &STR(PRINTDS): prompts JCLCheck to execute TSO command PRINTDS DSNAME(<your sysprint and/or systerm dsn>)
- SET &PRNT = &STR(PRINTOFF): prompts JCLCheck to execute TSO command PRINTOFF <your sysprint and/or systerm dsn>