USERA is not able to create USS directories under his HOME directory /u/user:
USERA OMVS segment:
----------- SEGMENT OMVS
HOME = /u/usera
OMVSPGM = /bin/sh
UID = 1234678
"mkdir /u/usera/test" to create a directory receives error message:
Errno=6Fx Permission is denied; Reason=EF086015.
Top Secret is the External Security Manager (ESM).
Release : 16.0
TSS MODIFY shows HFSSEC(OFF) which means Top Secret is not securing USS directories.
Native USS secuirty is being used.
A 'ls -l' command to list the /u/usera shows that the 'usera' directory doesn't exist.
A 'ls -l' command to list the /u directory show permission settings :
dr-xr-xr-x 8063 OMVS OMVSGRP 0 Oct 30 18:11 u
The owner, group and others only have read/execute access, so the USS violation is valid.
Someone with authority will need to create /u/usera with you as the owner or member of the group for it.
The USS permission setting for the USS command chmod would be 770.
Please have your USS administrator issue a:
chmod -R 770 /u/usera.