Core Performance page spike usage
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Core Performance page spike usage


Article ID: 275622


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IT Management Suite


You may start noticing that in certain periods of time, your SMP Server may be getting some performance issues. Especially with NSE processing. 

While looking at the Core Performance page, you can see some spikes during the day for the NSE queue for example.


How can I use this page to have a better picture of my SMP Server performance?


ITMS 8.7.x


With the ITMS 8.7.1 version release, a new page has been added to assist with understanding some of the overall system performance on your SMP Server. It is called "Core Performance". 
The new Core Performance page provides an overview of overall system performance, including system load, event queue status, and processing history. This page displays information previously only accessible in log files and presents a historical view based on data snapshots. 
To display the Core Performance page, select Manage > Settings > All Settings > Notification Server > Internals > Core Performance.

Use this page to troubleshoot when you experience system performance issues. This page can help identify situations when available resources are insufficient to handle the system load or the event queues are being flooded or are not being processed. In addition, use the page to make adjustments to resource allocations.
This page has the following sections:
  • System Load
    Displays a variety of information, including the number of CPUs and amount of RAM available to the Notification Server and the percentage of such resources currently being consumed.  It also displays the number of TCP, IIS, and Web socket connections.  Likewise, it displays the number of CPUs available to SQL Server, the percentage of those resources currently being consumed, and the number of SQL Connections.

  • Event Queue Status
    Displays data regarding:
    -The size of each of the five different event queues
    -The number of messages in each queue
    -The number of threads allocated to each queue
    -The number of active threads in each queue

    You can change the number of threads allocated to each queue directly on this page.

    For troubleshooting NSE issues, refer to How to troubleshoot NSE processing issues.

  • Processing History
    Displays historical trends based on data snapshots. It can show one of three views:
    -Queue Status: Shows the number of messages in each queue at particular points in time, as well as the load on the server at those times.
    -Server Processing: Shows the number of items processed per second at particular points in time, and the server load at those times.
    -Persistent Traffic: Shows the amount of data sent and received using web socket connections at various points in time, along with the corresponding system loads in terms of CPU and RAM.