The following error occurred when configuring the Vantage 'AUTO ADD VOL' function for a RACF system:
VAN0723I FIREZERO of Automation Script GOA ADDVOLHW Done-CnMax=00000 Now=
VKG0845E SAMS is not authorized by STGADMIN or DFSMShsm AUTH DBA,ADDVOLHW
VKG0400I Action SMS_ADD_HWM Done For 1 Records,ADDVOLHW
Also, it appears that the needed users have the required authority for this action, and SECURHSM (N) is set.
Release : 14.1
The VKGPARMS STGADMIN value is not set to the correct value.
In this case, the following STGADMIN parameter values provided successful results for the customer:
In RACF environment -> STGADMIN(STGADMIN./)
In ACF2 environment -> STGADMIN(STGADMIN)
Note that in the case for RACF, a generic type of definition was needed for successful processing (specification of just 'STGADMIN' was not successful). The specific FACILITY class profile name for which access is needed for the ICKDSF 'INIT' command is: STGADMIN.ICK.INIT