Getting errors using custom Powershell scripts to create new Developer Portal APIs
2023-09-19T17:28:45.7112465Z + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
2023-09-19T17:28:45.7113389Z + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,ApiImport
2023-09-19T17:28:45.8009530Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
API Portal 5.2.1
The use of Powershell scripts is custom tool that needs to adhere to the swagger
Link to swagger: PAPI Swagger File 5.1.2
Similar procedure using POSTMAN and a proper JSON file
The JSON file has a few problems:
1. Portal Name value pairs are case sensitive name Not Name
2. The Uuid for the new API should be auto generated "Uuid": "{{GENERATED_GUID}}"
3. apiEulaUuid should be looked up the Uuid and added to the json as below
Get Fetch eula GET https://apim-ssg.<portal_domain>/<tenantID>/api-management/1.0/eulas
4. POSTNAME leaving out the json file
"apiEulaUuid":"Euls_fetched_from _step3",
"description":"<test api desc>",